2 beers is nothing, would not hesitate one bit after two beers. Three.....well...that is pushing it for me.
Smoking while riding? My neighbor used to do that, he would pull out of his driveway on his Harley with a cigar in his mouth. He doesn't ride any more after his crash.
Loose chain? Cam or drive? Been guilty of both. More worried about the loose cam chain.
Foot dragging? I still do that from time to time....just for the fun of it.
Bald tires? Changed out many a rear tire showing chords. Its stupid I know, but I am mostly scottish and can't help it.
I have never ridden in shorts on any bike for fear of exhaust burns, but riding the Rocket in shorts is totally insane. Why not just throw your legs over a hot barbeque and be done with it?
Ride in a t shirt from time to time in the summer. I like it and accept the extra risk. ATTGATT is the most sensible, but not riding at all is even more sensible. We forget that most of the world thinks that motorcyclists are idiots, regardless of what they wear, and prime candidates for the Darwin award.
I check the tire pressure when it gets difficult to walk the bike out of the garage ( which starts at about 7 lbs low), or before a long trip. This works well for me on most bikes, but the rear tire on my suzuki intruder 800 could go down to zero without me noticing it. It wasn't flat, and rode just fine. Weird.
I don't think I would ride at all if I felt the obligation to be perfect in every motorcycle safety issue. What a hassle!