Come on let's see those beautiful bikes

Why would anyone need more than one motorcycle?
Why would anybody NEED even one! - Lame standard answers will be sniggered at!.

At the moment I barely get to ride - period. Last three days have been stunning unseasonably hot weather - but work impeded. Woke today - cold and cloudy. This has been the pattern for well over 2 months. My riding days are shiddy weather days. And it's starting to pizz me off well and truly.

I cannot think of a time when I needed only one bike other than when I was too skint to buy two or more

I usually have two on the road and a restoration project which is usually a 70s or 80s old jap bike of some sort. This is the first winter in years where I haven't had a project, so the Rocket 3 got the love!

Last winter it was the Rocket 3 bought as a write off AND a 1979 Yamaha DT250MX, previous winter an XT500 etc etc.

Will shove up some pics later when I am not at work seeing as how this is a bikes you've owned thread now.
This is a bikes I do own thread ! I have ommited my 2 crossers , BMW R1100 and TDR 900 !
Wasn’t having a pop Nat , just saying it’s morphed and there’ll be more to follow.

Liked the twin shock DT you posted, let’s see the rest!
Never gave that a thought Timbo , I have been here long enough to know that every thread digresses! In fact I'm surprised it's still about bikes ? The DT was given to me by a customer who bought it new in 1977 , they are worth a small fortune in mint condition , which that one eventually will be . The 400s are rare as hens teeth here ! one of the crossers I posted recently , the other is my 1984 KX 500 . I had it new and raced the south west masters back in the day . That is currently undergoing a full nut and bolt restoration. Again worth big money to the Evo racers . The other 2 are in storage , the BMW will be morphed into a street scrambler and the 900 ? Well that will just stay stock !