Coil Over Plug mod (COP) for standard coil removal

Re: "Just ordered a couple of sets with the wire loom."

Details please matey, what exactly did you order? As so many posts of different things above.
Had the first set arrive today.

Red wire on R1 goes to brown/pink on rocket harness. The Green/Black, green/pink, green/blue on the rocket harness are the trigger wires.

My coils all measured out at 2.1 ohms exactly.

Second package, where are you?!

In two of the pics below you can see the amount of wiggle, I’d guess is about 1/8” play. Rolling around idea for that in my noodle, but I’m not totally convinced it’s a bad thing actually.

Still need to black tape it all, as well as some other wires.

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Neville's point about resistance started ringing in my head after wiring them up, so I did some further measuring.

Stock coils:
1.8 ohms Primary
31k ohms secondary

R1 Coils:
1.4 ohms Primary
9.4k ohms secondary

I think because of this, I'm going to rewire the setup from being parallel to series coils per cylinder. This will raise the resistance to 2.8 ohms, however, going the other way and wiring them in parallel, will yield only .7 ohms primary resistance, something I feel is potentially dangerous to the ECU.

Amps = Voltage / Resistance
6.888 = 12.4 / 1.8 - Stock
17.714 = 12.4 / 0.7 - Parallel R1
4.428 = 12.4 / 2.8 - Series R1

Having done some electric circuit board design and a lot of motherboard analysis, I am very confident Keihin didn’t use a 20amp ignitor for a 6.8 amp circuit. Maybe a 10, less likely a 15, but a 20 would be a big surprise to me because they’re neither cheap nor super common and require heavier more than expensive PCB traces. If they did use a 20 awesome, but I’ll not be attempting it blind with seeing a picture of the ignitor IC. The fuse to the ECM is a 20 so...

Unlike other electric uses, the reduced power will only result in an increase in dwell time not a loss in total power output. If I run into problems charging the coils fast enough I’ll adjust, but, the R1 coils will put out a lower voltage but higher amperage spark as a result of their differing secondary coil ratio.
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I am not sure what admonition is, but I think it means telling off. If that is so, that was not my intent, sorry if it cam across like that. I meant "warning" , not based on any electrical genius, but on bad experiences. If they are from 2002 Yammy, they will be fine. From memory, you may need to take a little off the bottom of the coil to get it to sit right down in the head. I am certain you have the skill to work it out It is probably five years since I did it....

  1. a firm warning or reprimand.
    "he received numerous admonitions for his behaviour"
    synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, reproof, remonstrance, reproach, admonishment, stricture, lecture, criticism, recrimination, tirade, diatribe, philippic, harangue, attack;
I only intended warning, and when you give advice I know it comes from experience, and so I try to heed it perhaps a bit more so than other sources.

So when you did it, did you pair the coil positives to the positive on the bike and coil triggers to the triggers on the bike?

I guess being 5 years ago the best answer would come from Tony haha.

If you can be bothered could you snap a pic of the the coils wiring at some point?

I’ll move forward with them as in the first post then. @JSHRAM youve not had any issues since initial installation I assume?
Earlier in this thread I am pretty sure, I said put power with power and trigger with trigger. So admonish did mean tell off, cool. Mitzy may be able to see, whether series or parallel. Don't use Ducati coils like is supposedly a good thing.