Probably worn from improper adjustment. Is it a silver engine or black? I ask so I can determine most likely which type of components are in it. Barnett makes a complete kit. I can not speak to it except if Neville Lush says they are good I believe him. One thing I can say is the last person who contacted me about a very slippery Barnett clutch had the rear fiber in the wrong place. I use MTC fibers with OEM steels along with Carpenter springs (which seem to be the strongest). MTC does sell springs for the Rocket which are KZ1000 springs. They are supposed to be 25 % stronger than OEM. I wonder if that's the old springs not sold in the update kit which I believe changed with the Touring. There is a fellow captain who posted the difference in the different spring pressures. Depending on how fast you are and if you have done it before; my best time has been two hours hard at it. Four hours is what Triumph says and well, I like not being hurried. The pulsating feeling could be the coming from the plates sliding by the anti-judder spring and seat. I suspect the same sound as when you put the small ID fiber on the back instead of the large. Oh and yes with MTC fibers you remove the anti judder seat and spring.
Just my opinion a lot if people order parts before they take it apart. Which I do if I've had that particular bike apart and know what is in it. Case in point the great video above is an '08 Classic with the lifter piece and bearings, along with the pressure plate of the early 04/05 clutch (silver engine) and if
@rocketrookie has a black motor with the newer style clutch my bet is it has the smaller headed lifter piece which changed in later years first showing up in the 2011 touring.
Ok technical library stuff done time for my second cup of coffee.