Clutch not disengaging.

Firstly, don't feel dumb. I done almost the exact same thing when I replaced my detent spring. I couldn't work out why the bike kept stalling when I released the clutch, it was driving me crazy and I was about to start stripping the bike again assuming I had done something wrong. Turns out I was trying to ride off with the kickstand down and the engine was cutting out .
Secondly, and this is kinda related to the first point and might help. The bike can be started with the kick stand down if it is in neutral (mine will anyway, I'm assuming that's normal but I've never checked). This way you can at least get it started and see what happens from there if you put it in gear. It might be something simple like the clutch is too dry and it still transmits force even when released , with the bike running the clutch will get oiled and might free up?
This can be tricky as the tolerances are tight, once the dots are aligned and you got the 3mm play, it should be right, if not, id ask myself, did i have free play in lifter shaft after i tightened up basket, did i take pressure plate down evenly, if not, did i correct, washer, wavy washer, no washer, to get play in the lifter shafter, i think its like 1 to 2 mm, check in book, did i get the large spacer back in the correct position, did i seat the clutch drive completely, the big spacer is it correct, did i leave a steel plate in or maybe a judder washer, this was a new barnett kit so no more judder springs (2) should have come out, these are a few more of the things to verify if you have to open it back up. Hopefully the dots get ya there.
Don't feel bad.... Last braindead thing I did was use a torque wrench on my ex500 water pump. It's a reverse thread... Stripped it off... Snapped the bolt. Turns out cheap 1/4 Niko torque wrenches don't work in reverse. Ever since then I tear them in a vice. Very costly mistake...
Hey it happens. Thanks for posting as this will help someone else who may do the same thing. Now theyll know, hey i could have mixed up something. Anyway good job getting it fixed correctly, now keep your free play set right and you should be golden a long time, make sure youre not riding your shift lever with foot pressure as you ride.