Clutch gone after 2 months......

Well, this does suck, sorry, Rock Ape!
Did anyone find reference to Press Day fried clutches on any of the many reviews?
Yeah, none of the journos reported that. But I found out it was true! A mate of mine was there and he confirmed it!
At least a couple of bikes had their clutches blown!

I know I did not do it with TC on. I know I had it off because I checked and because had been riding with it off for a couple of weeks.
The bike had minimal Kms on it. I know that. The tyres looked as new as could be. For me, for all intents and purposes, everything looked new - like it had never been ridden. The tyres had NO wear. I have never blown a clutch in my life. I count the number of burnouts I have done in my life on less than a few fingers. I had TC off. I read later to remove the ABS control fuse. WTF? True or not, I don't know. I did not know until recently as mentioned above on the journo ride that a few clutches were blown by the journos! You'd think that in situation that either Triumph forgot to tell them or Triumph did not know. Why did none report this or were they too embarrassed themselves to report it!?

I have just resigned myself to paying $2000 (AUD) to have it fixed now. Yes $2000! WTF?!

I won't be riding this bike for a while like I rode my old 2012 Diavel Carbon. I just have lost confidence in it. I love the bike .... don't get me wrong but pushing it to it's limits now really worries me. LOL... funny and here I was when making the decision to move from the DIavel that I though the Diavel was going to explode soon under me. I rode that like a bat out of hell and never had a problem. I honestly thought this bike had more in it - that beautiful engine etc etc - all we read about in the articles. If I had the money to blow now, I would probably got back to the Diavel as it is a known element to me. I just know, subconsciously that I will be nannying this bike a bit now.
are you considering a heavy duty clutch, barnett or similar, seems a prudent thing to do
are you considering a heavy duty clutch, barnett or similar, seems a prudent thing to do
The dealer said there was supposedly nothing ready for it. LOL... That is the path I wanted to go down.

But I was/am so over it now ... 3 weeks or more without the bike, I just said; "Whatever!"

If I didn't like the looks (mainly) and ride of the bike (mostly) and had more money to blow and count my losses, would return my "cruiser" style bike to a Diavel. It's a known entity to me. At least I wouldn't be scared that it couldn't handle it's own power - rightly or wrongly on that statement as I could just be an unlucky one.
Ok, I've not finished my morning coffee yet, but can somebody here explain to a dumbass (me) how TC being enabled takes out a clutch? I thought traction control would lower power by cutting fuel and/or spark and maybe changing ignition timing. How does the clutch get involved?
With this bike, if you just want to "cruise", leave TC on. If you want to use its power, then TC has to be off. There is no in between or levels or I just haven't read the user manual. With TC on, even a quicker launch from the traffic lights and TC cuts in and bogs you down. Has happened to me so many times. So sensitive. And it is official, even though you won't read, experienced testers/journos did 2-3 clutches on the Journo ride day here in Australia yet none reported that in their articles. I only found out from Triumph distributer here after the event and that was confirmed by a friend who was one of the testers on the day. So even experienced guys who test bikes for a living were destroying the clutches on their first time on it. How? **** knows! I'd love to know the science behind it also and why this doesn't seem to happen to other bikes?
@Rock Ape it is definitely time to get a good consumer products warranty lawyer involved.

There is a pattern of failure here that should be enough to demonstrate the weakness of the design even if the cause of it is in the logic of the software.

This failure event and repair

The dealer and Triumph need to step up to the plate and make you whole.