Clutch gone after 2 months......

What I read from this is that it would be impossible to damage anything due to the intervention of the throttle behaviour when the front brake is used above 20 throttle.

So is it the brakes or TC causing the problem? Scary to think you could easily and quickly melt the clutch doing a simple burnout!
I dunno. Just quoting what it says in the instructions.....!!! (R.T.F.M.....!!)
I was trying to not be as blunt as you.
Im thinking this has been a demo bike from the had some kilometers on it...some hoon has put the front wheel on a wall and spun her up maybe....'Try it in 2nd and see if she will smoke em?!!"...maybe??...then our man comes along and buys it...'Oh shyte!!...the clutch is fried!!'....He dosn't know the history of who has ridden it previously so....
i'm not interested in smoking my wheels up on my new GT...tyres are expensive and stress on parts just aint worth it...i love this machine..its a step up on my 2016 Roadster which i loved to bits, so i aint gonna mistreat it just to see if it can handle the abuse or not.
My take on this is someone...a rider who has taken it for a 'Test' ride...has mistreated it.
Putting me off already !
Well, this does suck, sorry, Rock Ape!
Did anyone find reference to Press Day fried clutches on any of the many reviews?