Clutch failure .... need some advice

Here is a coue pictures of the shaft. Looks clean but notice aome buring where it rests on tje bearings.

It's hard to see but notice the buring

You also asked for other pictures of the basket and such

My opion from a distance not enough free play and over rotation of the lifter shaft is what pulled the head off. Did you do any adjustment or just the dealer? Also what does the steels look like besides the warpage you refered to? Do they have any burn marks on them? And what brand and grade of oil were you running ? Over rotation will make the slot on the lifter shaft lift the small diameter of the lifter piece and put ina bing tearing the head off or 2ith evem more bind snap the lifter shaft.
What brand of fibers are those?

The fibers are barnett. It feels a lot better than the OEM clutch, very smooth and smaller friction zone (which I like) but that was until the lifter pin popped it's head so there is that lol.

I didn't actually do any adjustment. The dealer did all the adjustment. When I brought that up to them they indicated that "Clutches settle over time so the fact that you did NOT adjust it yourself is why it failed"

Theoretically I get what they are saying .... but ..... after 3 weeks and 3000km it seemed suspect. Regardless the dealer and I made up so we are all good..... but it would be interesting to know if their story makes sense if anyone has any thoughts. Any time I do work myself I of course am careful about free play, in this case I took it for granted since the dealer adjusted it.

As for oil .... I was running iphone Katana full synthetic 10w50 before the first failure and iphone semi-synthetic 10w40 before the second failure. The funny thing is both times I changed my oil within days of the failure. I don't think I blame the oil but I also think I will steer clear of ipone.

Last thing .... Here is a picture of the original steels, some of them were quite black and others were the natural silver color. Here is a picture of a couple of the blackest ones:

Also ... thanks for the device on the wavy washer everyone. I've got it on order so I can finish up the repair.