Hey Everyone.
I've had the lifter pin on my clutch fail on me. Not sure of the root cause, could have been free play, could have been for the same reason that my steels warped (see my other thread), but it popped clean off which is odd, in any event I am now replacing my lifter pin. but here is my problem ....... I had the dealer open the bike up to diagnose but opted to do the work myself thus I am not the one that removed the failed lifter pin, and now I am either missing parts or the service manual has some extra ones (you know .... like ikea furniture). I'd love to hear from someone that has had their clutch open to see if I am missing something.
I have a 2014 rocket III roadster. In the manual it indicates that the filter pin has a thurst washer between the lifter piece and the needle bearing shown in the picture below:
However when I open my bike I don't have a thrust washer just the bearing connected right to the lifter piece. Everything seems to fit well and got together but I have a sneaking suspicion that I am missing the washer. Because I wasn't the one that pulled it apart I can't be sure that it wasn't lost in disassembly.
Any help you have is appreciated
. This ris the last step before I close her up and try to squeeze the last bit of riding in this season.
Then I have one last question ............. While looking around I see some where on the outside of the pressure plate. I can't see any other wear on the inside of the crank case so am not sure if it is something to be worried about or not. What are your thoughts?
I've had the lifter pin on my clutch fail on me. Not sure of the root cause, could have been free play, could have been for the same reason that my steels warped (see my other thread), but it popped clean off which is odd, in any event I am now replacing my lifter pin. but here is my problem ....... I had the dealer open the bike up to diagnose but opted to do the work myself thus I am not the one that removed the failed lifter pin, and now I am either missing parts or the service manual has some extra ones (you know .... like ikea furniture). I'd love to hear from someone that has had their clutch open to see if I am missing something.
I have a 2014 rocket III roadster. In the manual it indicates that the filter pin has a thurst washer between the lifter piece and the needle bearing shown in the picture below:
However when I open my bike I don't have a thrust washer just the bearing connected right to the lifter piece. Everything seems to fit well and got together but I have a sneaking suspicion that I am missing the washer. Because I wasn't the one that pulled it apart I can't be sure that it wasn't lost in disassembly.
Any help you have is appreciated
Then I have one last question ............. While looking around I see some where on the outside of the pressure plate. I can't see any other wear on the inside of the crank case so am not sure if it is something to be worried about or not. What are your thoughts?