Clutch Bark

A chatter
My definition is a slip grab slip grab multiple times. This causes vinration and is hard on a lot of components and should be addressed as soon as possible.
Just for clarity it’s not a chatter and it’s very brief just at the point the clutch is engaged then stop once underway.
I thought this was just the nature of the beast, sort of like the yamaha virago's and the starter noise, it was what it was.
I find the clutch makes a light squealing sound sometimes, but not a metal on metal type of noise, and you have to be slow with the clutch as it is not a smooth grab, it is jerky, and a little more "grabby" for lack of a better word, but it is only like this the first one or two times when starting out, then it seems to straighten itself out and the clutch has smooth operation again, i'm not sure if the oil just isn't warm enough yet at that point or what, i have been using the Motul synthetic 7100 i think this is it, I have been considering putting the Motul V300 racing oil and see what that does, it's about $130 for the oil for these things, but i have put it in my Touring, prior to changing out my clutch and after i changed the clutch, and that thing runs and shifts smoother than when i first got it, most is due to the new clutch setup but i did notice a slight difference in the way the bike ran, for the better
Any update on the grabby clutch? Mine will sometimes do it as well when I am trying to accelerate a little faster, it is like the clutch engages then disengages as you are letting it out. Happens with traction control on or off.
I am curious if any of the fluid changes have helped.