I encountered a similar problem last week.
Washed the bike on Thursday with S100 and hose rinsed it off. Loaded up the bike for a ride to Michigan the next day. When I took the duffel out to the garage Friday morning, the clock was spinning forward furiously, advancing 1 hour each second. I tried pushing the set buttons, but nothing happened. I rode 150 miles to the first pit stop and tried again, still nothing.
The previous owner had cut the brown ground wire when he had a similar issue, so I tried that but it kept spinning. I removed the seat, thinking if I disconnect the ground at the battery it would reset, but it did not. I also found the ground terminal had melted some at the bolt. WTF?
Everything still worked, but I was worried. I tried futzing with the clock some, but nothing changed. I ended up cutting the three wires to the clock and taking it off completely. Fortunately, the bike still runs, but I lost the right side bucket instruments. No tach, and the indicator lights for neutral, low fuel, and turn signals did not function. Got home last night after adding 1100 miles without further incident, but I am worried that I may have messed things up more than I had thought.
Any suggestions before taking it to the dealer? I thought Triumph had gotten away from Lucas possessed bikes.
Thanks in advance.