Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

Thnks Hanso, I am not near a computer and even though I have this new fancy smart phone I feel I am about at the rotary phone intelligence level. Now back to the hammer and nails
i am just guessing
because speed sensors run real close to the tone wheel u can check to see if it is rubbing the tone wheel. (if has abs)
Does it make the noise with the back wheel in the air (on a jack) as well as on the road? If it doesn't, then you may want to look for a screw or nail or stone in the tread of the tyre. Possibly a lump in the tyre where the belts are separating as well.
Rear wheel bearings - you will need three.
My 2012 R3R is on its third set!
I ditched the OEM after two failures and went with AXIS
6305 2RS C3 EMQ
5204 2RS C3
6204 2RSC3 EMQ
So far working good after 5K+ miles.
Rear wheel bearings - you will need three.
My 2012 R3R is on its third set!
I ditched the OEM after two failures and went with AXIS
6305 2RS C3 EMQ
5204 2RS C3
6204 2RSC3 EMQ
So far working good after 5K+ miles.

How bout a source & which brg in which position on the wheel please
I can't add a suggestion since all have been covered but would like to know what it causing it. I will be taking off the wheel for a new tire soon. I always clean and regrease the spline, and change the bevel box gear oil.
How bout a source & which brg in which position on the wheel please

I purchased mine at McGuire Bearing in Tacoma and asked for the BEST they had.
From Bike Bandit fiche, (#3) T3800703 - (#7) T3800706 & (#18) 3800018-T0301
are the bearings I replaced. I removed and took my old bearings in with me.