Clearview Screen


Apr 1, 2013
Chilliwack B.C.
2014 R3R / 2017 R3T
Hi y'all
Installed a Clearview Screen on my Roadster and took it for a good run to see how it faired and thought I'd pass it on.
Specs on my order
Clear, +2" wider, +3" taller, added the re-curve, added the 5 position vent, fog light cutouts.

Figment was perfect, couldn't ask for anything better. After 3 hours of highway riding at speeds between 100km/h to 120km/h here is my take. Great product.
I'm 6' and I get no buffeting. As per norm most of the wind comes from below not over the screen. The re-curve seems to do its job as it pushes the air over my head. The height of the screen is at about chin level so I get a good open sight line.
As for the 5 position vent, I don't feel that it adds anything to the product at this time. When open the air flows through as expected but due to the amount of air that flows from below it kinda negates the vent, you don't feel the difference.
I suppose if you had wings attached below the windscreen the vent would have more of an affect. Right now I have the screen as close to the headlights as possible.
I'm going to play with the adjustment in height and see if it makes any difference in the performance.
All said and done, I'm very pleased with the upgrade, great product and even better customer service.
The other gain from the vent is it increases air pressure behind the screen so air does not rush around the sides to the low pressure area causing buffeting and wind noise.
It looks like a bigger version of the Roadster screen. Do they supply just the screen (just the plastic) or is the metal frame included? It looks good without looking like an obviously after market screen.
I tried the Laminar Lip but I can't get it to stay attached. I think the only way it will work is if it is bolted to the original screen.

The Clearview looks like it will do a better job anyway.
I just read that shipping to Australia is $435 in 2010! I think I will give it a miss.
Does anyone know of a larger replacement screen in Australia?
I just read that shipping to Australia is $435 in 2010! I think I will give it a miss.
Does anyone know of a larger replacement screen in Australia?
Yeah I was lucky to get one 2nd hand on for AUD$200 with all the fittings, vent, built in lip and fork clamps.

I have a few stock ones too and have found the cheapest and best mod is the Memphis Shades clamp on lip and side screens I have run at 160-190 kmh with them for a while with no problems.

Yesterday I found the original thread where Rocket Scientist posted the template. The advantage with this version is it is correct scale as a template when printed on A4.

Shipping to Australia in 2014 for 2 25 inch Clearview screens was $US85.48 for both screens in one package, so I guess it would be a little cheaper for one.
I will try to get some mounting bolts for the Laminar Lip. The mounting parts for the sports screen should work well. I found the part numbers on line, so I should be able to get them.

I like the idea of the Laminar Lip, but the 3M velcro dots are not strong enough. I even tried the Scotch Strips that hold 4.5Kgs (10 lbs). Even they aren't strong enough.

I just read that shipping to Australia is $435 in 2010! I think I will give it a miss.
Does anyone know of a larger replacement screen in Australia?
I cant be certain but I am sure that shipping was not that much when Brian and myself bought ours a couple of years ago
I tried the Laminar Lip but I can't get it to stay attached.
Ditch it - ime it was a HUGE PITA. The benefit was there - but minimal - however unlike the OEM screen which is anti-scratch coated the Lam-Lip soon scratched up on both faces from general road dirt - and it's right where you want good vision. Was either dirty or later scratched up causing sunlight scatter. Made new side brackets and raised the screen a couple of inches.
you just reminded me I have a Large Standard,Classic,Roadster screen without the metal bits free to good home plus shipping also a clear Fly Screen which has brackets, I'll put that on my list of For Sale items