I had to make up some brackets to mount them to my existing screen brackets and then relocate my stock front blinkers to the new SS lowers. There is a good 10" of cable each side available to do so and I did not have to cut or re-wire anything. I mounted mine much higher than
@1K9 did in Post#1so they are behind and overlap the bottom of the screen. Hence the need to relocate blinkers.
It seems to have worked well but I have not experimented with screen angle heights or angles yet.
Before I cut a vent hole in the screen I will experiment with the gap between bottom of screen and twin headlights and the screen angles. I look over the screen, not through it and prefer that I think.
I have thought about copying the adjustable and open/closing Clearview venting system by finding and using a car dash vent from an auto wreckers, cutting the hole to suit with a Dremel rotary tool.