Oh I'm sure. It works very well but the few mistakes I made on the past with it is not worth it when I can get it off easily in other ways. One thing that is did when nothing else would was my melted over pants on my cb650sc seen in my profile pic.
I would steer well clear of acetone IMHO. If that stuff got on any painted surfaces or even any of the plastic trim, there could well be tears and regrets....Just thought I would shout that one out just in case someone out there has some to hand.
I'd steer way clear of Goo Gone which is jet fuel and citrus oils. Smells Good, leaves residue. At least use a pure solvent and of course you don't use it on painted surfaces.
I'd steer way clear of Goo Gone which is jet fuel and citrus oils. Smells Good, leaves residue. At least use a pure solvent and of course you don't use it on painted surfaces.
Goof Off is just acetone with a splash of xylene. Be extra careful with it. Plain acetone available at any hardware store is safer and much cheaper. Any solvent needs enough solvent to dissolve and suspend the intended target. Use too little and it will not remove all of it.
Goof Off is just acetone with a splash of xylene. Be extra careful with it. Plain acetone available at any hardware store is safer and much cheaper. Any solvent needs enough solvent to dissolve and suspend the intended target. Use too little and it will not remove all of it.
I have used penetrating oil in the past on both painted and exhaust surfaces. Yep... WD 40 or similar. Spray on liberally and let sit for a while then lightly wipe off (tar and road grime literally falls off).
I have used penetrating oil in the past on both painted and exhaust surfaces. Yep... WD 40 or similar. Spray on liberally and let sit for a while then lightly wipe off (tar and road grime literally falls off).
Hi all. I have some nasty tar deposits on my exhaust that will not just wash off. I have some Valet Pro Citrus Tar & Glue Remover which I have used successfully on my cars. It said it is good for painted and hard surfaces, but is clearly a fairly aggressive product as it dissolves road tar. Anyone know if this would be safe to use on my exhaust, or can anyone recommend something more suitable available in the UK? Many thanks.