Chrome Exhausts Lesson #1


Aug 3, 2013
Norwich, UK
Tiger Explorer (2015-White)/R3R (2013-Red Stripe)
Well I got my roadster on Monday, rode it home and put it in the garage, the weather has been rubbish...I went to polish it (needs fussing!) on Wednesday evening and saw these on the exhausts:

How could I have missed these in the showroom? I didn't scrape these silencers! Must have been missed before handover I thought....

So I get a little miffed and contacted the dealership and sent pics etc asking what they would do about it, thinking that if they didn't care they could just deny all responsibility and shrug me off after having the bike 3 days...

Well I managed to get the bike to the dealership (25 miles away) yesterday for them to inspect. The sales manager took a look and finally agreed after much pushing from me, that he would speak to Triumph and by hook or crook would get them replaced. Great I thought, this dealership has my back, and I started to relax a little.

I then got talking to one of the mechanics and he came and looked too. After some ummms and arrrgghhs he he went inside again then came out with a rag and some autosol...the "marks", with much persuasion, came off....they weren't there because of any impacts/ turns out my son (9 years) sat on the back of the bike just after I got home whilst the cans were still very hot and melted some of his nylon tracksuit bottoms on them!

I felt so bloody stupid, especially after getting so wound up over it all!

Lesson learnt, these chrome silencers get VERY VERY hot! Kids are to stay away from the bike AT ALL TIMES and only suitable bike gear is to be worn when on it even if not going anywhere lol!
Also don't let any passengers wear boots with any sort of heel, especially if there's plastic or rubber on the bottom. They'll hang over the rear pegs and melt on the pipes.

I remember leaving a fair bit of skin on the pipes of previous v-twins when I was silly enough to straddle them in shorts.
Yeah, having never had a bike with chrome pipes before I had no idea what I was in for...this is the first and hopefully only, cruiser I will possess (I mean that in a good way, this bike wont be bettered I am sure)
A bit of skin off a finger tip look's worse cooked onto the header pipe and it don't feel to good either.
You'll find the pipes don't get quite as hot as you get some miles on the clock ... agree with Canberra about girls with heels ... and wet weather gear ... melts very quickly.
Hard not to touch any part of the pipes on the Roadster the bloody things are huge(and fugly)
It is a toss up to what pipes are the most fugly the Rocket std pipes which stick out like a poor hard on or the Roadster pipes which look like a bad tit job.
A bit of skin off a finger tip look's worse cooked onto the header pipe and it don't feel to good either.
Lost the feeling on the tip of my middle finger by inspecting "the damage"...they're as hot as a bloody iron on max...might be good for taking creases out of t-shirts when touring lol

Hard not to touch any part of the pipes on the Roadster the bloody things are huge(and fugly)
I have to agree, but I will persevere with them until the warranty is over then it's play time Hopefully by then jardines might be an option or maybe something resembling preditors will be about for purchase....I will not want chrome....