Chrome billet mirrors

Uh, um, what's wrong with the mirrors that came with the bike ?

They suck and are butt ugly!
The Rivcos also allowed me to eliminate the fugly front blinkers and add they some additional safety with the signal to the rear.

I didn't know about or use adapters, but if I had to do again, I certainly would.
Holy cow ! How can I *not* install those RIVCO mirrors now ?!

Pair ordered -- with the adapters. I hope I'm thanking y'all in a couple of months.
They suck and are butt ugly!
The Rivcos also allowed me to eliminate the fugly front blinkers and add they some additional safety with the signal to the rear.
They're ugly but they work if you want to see what's behind them. They put just the right amount of convexity in them.
They're ugly but they work if you want to see what's behind them. They put just the right amount of convexity in them.

"See what's behind them." Would that not be forward?
Just funnin' around here as you are indeed correct, they do/did work OK as mirrors; but, I had more vibration with the OEMs.
"See what's behind them." Would that not be forward?
Just funnin' around here as you are indeed correct, they do/did work OK as mirrors; but, I had more vibration with the OEMs.
Vibration ? I don't have that problem on either of my Rockets.

Yeah, I really don't want to be messing around with trying to wire up lights in mirrors, I'd rather just have a set with no lights in them...bolt them on and be done with them...
Yeah, I really don't want to be messing around with trying to wire up lights in mirrors, I'd rather just have a set with no lights in them...bolt them on and be done with them...
They really make you stand out at night. It's a pretty easy install with the scotch locks but I've been told by my electrician that is the Micky Mouse way..!!