Checking in from Valley Forge P.A.

Welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain Clint.

From one Mulberry red rider to another, enjoy the ride!
are not these Tribals autographed by the painters in some way on the tank?
As I understand it all the Special Paints ( tribal ,flames, ect ) Triumph sent the body parts to Dream Machine LTD in Nottingham U.K. I have tried to contact them once by email as I was looking to get a flyscreen sent to them to get the color & tribal match .Presently I have a clear one . Considering a Chris Sears
The clear Sports screen is better especially when you tuck your chin on the tank and go ballistic.
I see your a Patriot not from New England , Good ridden weekend in New Jersey ,Thanks

Well we're kinda'-sorta' New Englandish in the northern part of the state and you can bet your bippy that I'll be taking full advantage of this late bonus weather over the weekend.

God bless the United Boobs of America!
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WELCOME to you, @Quint from WA State.
The Tribals are great looking - pix please?
You have come to the right place to learn more as this is the Rocket Library!
Welcome from New Jersey, enjoy your new ride, lots of good info here! If you have any exhaust questions just ask @Rocket4me he is well versed in the subject!

welcome Quint from one of the Aussies