14.9 is higher than I have typically seen on an SH847 so that number is a little surprising
I'd definitely go more with the actual DVM than a USB device - and I wouldn't discount checking against another DVM just to be sure. Just because it reads similar to your on-board doesn't necessarily guarantee either - or both- are in spec. (but not to say they are not, either)
A lot depends on the load too - is this with dual headlights running? Std Incandescents (55/60W)?*
*Edit - check there - I see it's a Touring - so same question re at least the headlight & does it change with the aux lamps on?
And if your battery is in top condition and fully charged, it is not pulling any significant current either (suspect it probably reads a little lower right after it's been started until battery reaches full charge again)
Regardless 14.9, is not going to cause problems - many car alternators put out 16V - I know mine does! And being applied to the same lead/acid technology battery.