Id go back to r/r, if youre running and dont see charging at battery then a ground is messed up somewhere, check ground plug (1 pin connector beside battery box, above r/r, if grounds are good everywhere, block too, then that r/r may have fried adter your initial 14.7v which is a little high, but it was charging until it wasnt, as long as your stator checks good like you did, id go back to r/r. Being able to start bike 4 times and get home is strange if not charging some, a good battery loaded up will get you about 20 minutes if not charging. Plenty r/r floating around on forum. Off brand r/r except the shindigan we use as the upgradei believe decosse said years ago something like not a good idea, its in his shindigsn upgrade threads. Make sure the ems relay cuts off after turning key off about 30 seconds and you will feel it click turning off, if it does not click cutoff it will drain battery. Im betting r/r but a few ideas.