Chaos - New R3 Owner

G'day and welcome from Downunder. Black certainly gives you the best chance of keeping up with a maroon. You know why you can't get a maroon R3T, don't you? Too fast for the "sedate" model.
Welcome to the forum. There's no shortage of opinions, just ask for one.
Welcome to the forum from all the way up here in Cheshire. I guess it's living in the south that misguides you into believing that black is best when we all know that the true colour is blue, I think they even wrote a song about that.Anyway misguided or not a warm welcome & hope to meet up one day, maybe you could even meet us at the Raven cafe one day keep a look out for the date from hooky, or PM myself or himself. His name is Hook you know & he didn't use the name captain, oh well.
So it's a black day in Suffolk, and all in the name of speed! I am sure you will light it up with your R3T.
I bought blue and while I can't vouch for it being faster it is the dogs to look at and goes well to boot. There are too many other project for me to spend a lot on tuning for now, but I will enjoy hearing how you get on with achieving your list. May even be tempted myself in time.
I am over in Stoke on Trent so Ravens seems good for a meet to me to. Happy riding.
chaos i can help you with most of your list of problems. Trade it in for a roadster , only joking mate i also have a tourer ond if you want more speed from it just spray it blue and you will find its the fastest colour. Yes it is .
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Actually ALL the Rocket colors are fast. It's just that some are fastER. Like the absolutely beautiful and also blindingly fast Cherry Red and New England Cream tutone.