CES installed!

Titanium nuts are the answer, differing expansion rates is the key. Since I switched Ive never had to touch them again once I torque them.
Though, it’s like a $25 set of nuts

Never heard this before - Gratitude!
I shall look around, although mine have long since settled in and I check them just a few times a season.
PS: Standard nuts, not acorn, I assume?
I used Ti, plain nuts from pro-bolt, I never touched them after the first install and never had an issue. I did try Aluminum, but the heat causes some horrible discoloration.
Will two nuts stack on there?
Nope. At least with CES, the studs arent long enough. Ive put pipes on a bunch of bikes, and they all loosen while they seat/compress the new gaskets. But after a couple of retorques they will stay put.
What’s the diameter of those CES headers?
They’re 1.75” primaries into 2.25 rear section, just right for a stock motor.
They’re 1.75” primaries into 2.25 rear section, just right for a stock motor.
Thanks I need to meet and talk pipes and mods at the RAA east next month before I decide what I buy. I’m not sure yet if I’ll leave the motor stock. I’ve got the money in hand and the support of the wife for any mods I decide to do. I like the look of Jvheli’s pipes.
Oh nice! I hope everything went smoothly. I hope that tune works out as well, I am confident it'll match your bike like peanut butter matches jelly, but there's always Murphy and he's a basterd!

Have fun, and be mindful of your new found power
Had a chance to actually ride for a bit (its cold here). The tune seems pretty good! It idles a little rough when cold (43 deg f) but once it gets warm, runs and idles fine.

It definitely has more power! Id say, pretty cheap per horse upgrade!

The jurys still out on how I feel about the Ramair sound wise.....some kind of weird fluttering sound at certain throttle positions.

But id have to say, its a great kit (Ramair) Took all of maybe an hour to install.

Tomorrow its supposed to be in the 50's!
Ah good weather, 50s that is.

Ramair soundnis indeed a big change from stock.

PM sent.
Titanium nuts are the answer, differing expansion rates is the key. Since I switched Ive never had to touch them again once I torque them.

Though, it’s like a $25 set of nuts
my wife says my nuts are priceless.. $25 is a bargain