Cerakote doing my header in

Get a paint brush and some hi-temp black BBQ paint and paint them. You will be quite surprised at how well they turn out.
Get a paint brush and some hi-temp black BBQ paint and paint them. You will be quite surprised at how well they turn out.
I think your right ! Satin barbeque paint and polished with Zebrite grate polish . Certainly be cheaper !
Been speaking with a metal finishing firm today , he was told by his technical team that a 3 coat hard chrome would more than likely withstand the heat from a CES altho they didn't offer that service , he said he could put me in touch with someone who could . Alternatively they said they could hard blast and then polish the pipes to a mirror finish . He was pretty certain from experience that , so long as maintained this finish would last up pretty well at keeping rust at bay ! I'm not entirely convinced , mild steel is after all that , still mild steel altho it's the process of hard blasting that supposedly changes the surface and keeps rust at bay . I don't know . I'm catching on to the idea of black , with the heat shields chromed !

Mate at least you know when you get them on, the bike will be so much better for it. I had the DP shorties and liked them but loud as. The CES with Ramair and a Nev Lush Tune and this is a different bike. Shame the coating is not working out. Hope you get it sorted soon mate
Thanks Mick . I wanted the CES for so long but could never justify the cost . Not that it was unreasonable , more the fact that by the time HMRC took their bite in import duties and VAT it would have left a bad taste in my mouth . The price I paid for the used header , plus duties , plus refinishing worked out to be around half the price of a new Set. I never even considered that the cerakote chrome finish wouldn't be available here ! Still , after all is said and done , I do finally have the pipes , for which I am made up so all in all , colour of finish is just a detail I will get my head around . It's the pipes that count !