Well after scouring the Google's looking for a cerakote applicator to refinish my recently acquired CES, I finally found my man , or so I thought ? After mailing photos of a new CES header , most applicators said fairly and honestly enough that they couldn't match the finish . One however , Tactical Coatings UK mailed me back to say they could match the finish I required all in at £210 GBP . Payment required up front , I sent the pipes off . They came back a very far cry from the Chrome effect I wanted , more like a tatty thinly applied satin silver .Arguing with them was fruitless , being told that the colour I agreed was Arctic silver . The colour of what I agreed , was to match the finish in the photos . If I am informed that colour is Arctic silver , then who am I to argue with the professional's ? With deposit payed and dyno booked for tuesday and events theron after , I will not be able to resolve the situation or find another coater this season . The thought of bolting this rattle can look of an abortion to my beloved Torquemonster is keeping me up at night ! On further investigation , I learn the finish I was looking for is Cerakote Chrome . I cannot find anyone in the UK as yet , that use it . Can any UK captains who know different please let me know . Was toying with the idea of having them nickel plated but I don't think it would stand up to the heat ? And besides that , any plater worth their salt are not going to put a used header in their precious vats !