Caught a close call on my bike cameras

Has anyone ever locked the front tyre on their bike? You go down fast. I have locked the rear on the rocket wet and dry several times. It goes sideways but recovers. I just bought a Honda CB. It has ABS in the rear tyre only. The rear pedal activates the front brakes too.
Yeah they are called 'stoppies' down here in Oz.
Its how we hook up!

Nice helmet , for the Life of me i can never understand why you would get all the gear on and not worry about the helmet …..can someone enlightened me please?


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Nice helmet , for the Life of me i can never understand why you would get all the gear on and not worry about the helmet …..can someone enlightened me please?
Heh cut him some slack!
Have you seen any helmets for chipmunks lately?

They stopped making pudding basin helmets in the 60's and the cheek pads of most helmets these day gives me PTSD nightmares of being swallowed whole by a giant python.
So I wear Brylcream to bed these days........... to die as quickly as possible!

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Wow. I'm impressed. No wheeles or stoppies for me. I'm lucky to ride a few miles without falling these days.
You wouldn't enjoy 'Speed dating' then - always wondering............ "will they wheelie love me?"
He tried to stand her up but she wasn't having any of it!
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Nice helmet , for the Life of me i can never understand why you would get all the gear on and not worry about the helmet …..can someone enlightened me please?
Chipmunk just want's to be seen. With a helmet how will people he has never seen nor will ever see again notice what a *****in dude he is. Ego plain and simple. I had a touch of it in my younger days but quickly grew out of it. Usually it's the youngsters that go without a helmet and a few self proclaimed bad boys but you gotta protect your noggin. I understand the freedom thing and if you don't want to wear one then don't. To me it's like parachuting out of a plane without the parachute. Roll those dice!
a few months back, my son's number came up....broken hip, broken femur, broken ribs, collapsed lung....he was in pretty rough shape, he's lucky to be alive..... he hit a cager broadside while on a HD Dyna

Ill be honest, I had my lid on most of the time, but would skip it every once in a while..... his crash jerked the slack out of me...the lid is one is a full face, 40% of crashes involve injury to the face Im reading

for me it's never been about looking cool....nobody cares about us on our bikes...other than maybe children, and some other's a delusion of grandeur to think anyone really gives us a second glance...and quite frankly, if you saw me, you'd agree that i look much better with a helmet and visor covering most of my face

only reason I'd go without is on a hot, humid really does feel good to have the wind flowing past where hair used to be on my head
Cant ride here in NZ without a Helmet....its law. I still see riders with sneakers on their feet and wearing tee shirts tho......if only they realized that asphalt is the coarsest grade of sandpaper you can get!...Not for me...i'm AGTGATT!... had too many tumbles when i was younger.