Catching up with New Captains and ones meet before

Our three look pretty good lined up there, but we should have tried to get all of them lined up for a photo op, 11 wasn't it?
Hi guys and gals,

New Zealand is hosting the World Association of Triumph Owners Group Rally an hour and a half from home.

Meet from left to right Phar2slo @Mikethepie for the first time. @Tal @sleeves. Was good to catch up with sleeves.

Looks like Mike has a Brit Spitfire on his Tshirt to go with the British Rocket between his legs....

Appears you guys had a great time and a lot of fun.
Looks like Mike has a Brit Spitfire on his Tshirt to go with the British Rocket between his legs....

Appears you guys had a great time and a lot of fun.
Its promoting a blog I read (Whale Oil Beef Hooked - read it in a broad Irish accent and you'll get what it is) here in NZ. We're hoping to encourage a few readers to come to Omaka 2019 Classic Fighters airshow in Blenheim. We're lucky to have a great museum and biennial airshow here. Blenheim ain't huge so we're pretty lucky. Couple of links for you if you like planes as well as bikes!
Omaka Classic Fighters Airshow

Thanks Mike for those links. That looks like quite the show. Rarely see Russian planes in the mix. Nice assortment or warbirds.

Love planes, especially the vintage WW1 and 2 warbirds. Was heavy into plastic and RC modelling for years. I'm starting to get back into it during the winter months now that I've retired. Try and get to as many museums as possible. That show definitely looks world class.

A good friend works at Omaka and there's a surprising amount of Russian aircraft around. They were very good planes but not well recognized as such.

I visit the hangars every time i go there

Caught up with this Captain today has been a member in this site before.

With his one owner 2004 rocket. Was an
Ex demo bike. He's has had no issues at all with the Rocket.
Reactions: Tal

This picture was taken last weekend while at the March Hare Rally by professional photographer.

He waits at a corner not far from the site and gets people coming and going, third time at event and frist time getting picture.o

$20 well spent too.
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This picture was taken last weekend while at the March Hare Rally by professional photographer.

He waits at a corner not far from the site and gets people coming and going third time at event and frist time getting picture.

$20 well spent too.
I wonder if he could photoshop it a nice red colour for you!!