I installed the Triumph TORS pipes several months ago, and honestly...did not notice much of a difference in sound from the stock pipes. However....
I installed the CAT bypass and WOW...that's about all I can say is WOW. Sound now is much deeper (no more of that raspy stock sound), and volume must be 2-3 times louder.
Since pulling the CAT, I have been out of town and not really ridden the bike other than a quick spin around the neighborhood. I will be installing TuneEcu this week as soon as the required cable comes in, and then will have the bike Dyno'd as I will also be installing a PCIII I already have. So...at this time I cannot really speak with regards to performance, but I was VERY surprised at the sound difference. Imagine yelling with your hand over your mouth, then removing your hand while still yelling...that's about the best analogy I can make about the bike sound now...pretty dramatic change.