Carpenter Racing (seriously considering the 240 hp upgrade package)

582 hp per 1000 lbs and all wheel drive, I'd have to bet against the Silverback, sorry
582 hp per 1000 lbs and all wheel drive, I'd have to bet against the Silverback, sorry
DONT know what your referring too ? VEYRONS not a match for the SILVERBACK in the 1/4 mile and we havnt run a 1/2 mile yet but the bikes going to be fast and quick so we will see if we can get to a test course and Im sure the newest version of the 800LB GORILLA will kick AZZ
350/400 is not that hard & has been done.
With Bob Carpenters vast experience in tuning, if he wanted to do it he would not muck about,
I think the numbers would be higher.
500 hp was easy and that was a little 1500 CC engine

Yeah, after reading up on it, I'm surprised how high the 1/4 mile times are, 10.22 if UI remember.