The big top numbers are great to discuss and tell your friends about but I suggest you look at the torque and HP curves to understand how the motor will perform. If you are experienced with reading those things they will tell you how a bike will deliver its power. To get the 240 HP you need to be at 9000 rpm and keep it up there to stay in the power. On our roads that will not be possible if you want to stay alive and on road. You will need to bang the piss outta it if you want to see all that power. Consider looking at a motor build that has big torque down low and good HP at 7K rpm. Any ways have a good time.
100% that's why i advocate that the rocket is a manageable machine and not a real deathtrap like some of the modern motorcycles with those similar numbers. I have ridden some truly terrifying speed pocket bikes, The fun part of the rocket with a 265+ build is that like you said that power is only WAY UP TOP and if you wanted to ALIENATE someone else and leave them in the wind in any gear past 2nd that its not that big of a deal to have this power unlike some other motorcycles. I would LOVE to start learning how to drag race (AT A DRAG STRIP) and is one of my new goals for my riding skills. I take my ninja to the track every blue moon but i need to start taking it serious and really make those muscle memory skills, even on my ex500 im usually in the middle of the time brackets for the day and im VERY happy with that for the level i want to dedicate to the task. BUT maybe one day ill learn how to wheely the rocket! Mostly in my dreams!
The big top numbers are great to discuss and tell your friends about but I suggest you look at the torque and HP curves to understand how the motor will perform. If you are experienced with reading those things they will tell you how a bike will deliver its power. To get the 240 HP you need to be at 9000 rpm and keep it up there to stay in the power. On our roads that will not be possible if you want to stay alive and on road. You will need to bang the piss outta it if you want to see all that power. Consider looking at a motor build that has big torque down low and good HP at 7K rpm. Any ways have a good time.
Agree with you Doc, the non modified Rocket has more torque from 0 to 5500 rpm, is a lot more responsive, like you said, to wake up the horses i have to rev it way high!
well there is a little bit of confusion here, the 240 pac does NOT to go 9 grand, and the torque curve is massively raised in both the 210 and the 240, the 265+ just revs higher to get the more power so its still a massive boost down low.
100% that's why i advocate that the rocket is a manageable machine and not a real deathtrap like some of the modern motorcycles with those similar numbers. I have ridden some truly terrifying speed pocket bikes, The fun part of the rocket with a 265+ build is that like you said that power is only WAY UP TOP and if you wanted to ALIENATE someone else and leave them in the wind in any gear past 2nd that its not that big of a deal to have this power unlike some other motorcycles. I would LOVE to start learning how to drag race (AT A DRAG STRIP) and is one of my new goals for my riding skills. I take my ninja to the track every blue moon but i need to start taking it serious and really make those muscle memory skills, even on my ex500 im usually in the middle of the time brackets for the day and im VERY happy with that for the level i want to dedicate to the task. BUT maybe one day ill learn how to wheely the rocket! Mostly in my dreams!
The rocket with a carpenter kit is like a hardcore drug. Your scared to go on a ride until you get used to it and need something with more power... So I'm told