Carpenter contact

I miss puttering around on my Dad's Enco that I was forced to sell due to ejection by a new property owner of the shop I was in.
Dad was a master tool & dye maker & designer. I could not carry his water . . . but I was making stuff & learning.
**** - I could use that - here! - right now!. Finding space for it? - well yes OK that could be a point of concern (lowish ceiling).
**** - I could use that - here! - right now!. Finding space for it? - well yes OK that could be a point of concern (lowish ceiling).

Buyer had a low trailer and we couldn't get out under the service door.
Had to let the air of all four tires and pull it out on flatsto cler by half an inch.
Twas 22 years ago!
I miss puttering around on my Dad's Enco that I was forced to sell due to ejection by a new property owner of the shop I was in.
Dad was a master tool & dye maker & designer. I could not carry his water . . . but I was making stuff & learning.
Thats great and something like the enco or bridgeport is on my list. Maybe after a lathe since I do have a 1929 Cincinnati Universal already. Haven't got to play much since ive been home once the snow went away I had to get back at cutting wood and brush. Along my property. The power company believes they can just drop the s.h.i.t. and move on. I've been burning for a week and a half now. Not fun
Darkside is good for something