Carbon fiber bearclaw


Thanks guys i was fairly chuffed with it myself
good luck with your mods u will be surprised how easy it is to cut look forward to seeing the results
Also like to say thanks to hellfire as it was viewing his mods in another thread and reading how easy it was to do that prompted me to take the plunge
Regards Mitch
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I went into it scared to death I would screw it up, hence the extra one I got as "practice".
Like Mitch said, it cuts much easier than it looks. Must be cheap metal. lol

It might actually be harder to cut a Cambell's soup can.
bear claw

thanks mate .
Im sure u will do as good of a job or better than mine if not u can have mine for a small fee say $1,000,000 australian dollars
Link Removed Sorry , been out of touch, but noticed prices mentioned above are incorrect.
Full carbon claw is $275, and partial is $245.
Just got web site back up. Should be a link in my signature.
Anyone try to put carbon fiber over their bearclaw? This mod is purely cosmetic.

I've seen people do this for interior car trim.

Seems pretty straightforward.
Do you mean real CF or that Di-Noc? film. Di-Noc soon looses it's look on exterior parts.