Can't wait to get the new seat.


.040 Over
Aug 8, 2008
Jacksonville FL
I had the wife drop the seat off at Sargent's (downtown Jacksonville) this morning on her way to work. Now the bike's apart in the garage until Friday night and it's killing me. Today, 68 and sunny. It's perfect bike weather in North Florida.

I looked at Russell, Corbin and Triumph, (longhaul touring seat) but decided on having Sargent's rebuild the stock seat. They are going to replace all the foam, raise the front seat about 3/4 inch, widen it, level out the pillion and recover everything for a little over $300. I had a Sargent's seat on my Yamaha FJR and loved it. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.

I will post some pics with comments in a week or so.

By the way, just mounted the kaoko throttle lock. It's perfect.
raise and widen the stock must be a huge mofo...I need the opposite
and I'm with you Nateskate....What are all these little blokes doing riding the big Rocket

At 6'7" and 300, I need similar seat mods to what you are getting, and hopefully can get a mob out here called CumfySeats to do the same thing. I'm really interested in the photos when you get them, and how well the mods work for you. Now if only the bloody dresser bars would arrive so I can stretch my legs out on some highway pegs (4 months and still waiting for Triumph to deliver....)

Sargent's seat

Hi, i was wondering how your seat turned out? how much did it cost you? how do you like your seat? it is comfortable for the rider? what about the passenger? thanks for the info. any pictures by the way?
Hey Athens71,

Nateskate did post after he installed his modified seat but in a new thread called "seat mod. unintended consequences" on 22 March. Looks like he had a few problems predominantly with the added height.

I've just got my stock R3T seat back from a mob out here in OZ called "Cumfy Seats". Cost $400 Aussie (about $3.30 US ) Had it raised an inch, the drivers lip moved back 2" and a comfort foam cover inserted. Also had the lip taken off the passenger section to follow the lines of the bike better as it will only be used infrequently. Feels bloody good. No problems like Nateskate.

I've only been on a short ride (got it back yesterday), but it feels far more comfortable than the Triumph dual gel I was using, which in turn was more comfy than the stock one.

Add the seat to the 24" screen, 10" mini-apes and highway pegs and and I've finally got a pretty comfy unit for a tall bugger (just installed a full cruise control too).

Only a long ride will tell.



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I doubt Nate will be answering as I'm not sure he frequents the site anymore...he sold his R3T about a month or so ago. He is supposedly one of the "downsized" Chevy dealers we've been hearing a lot about. Hope he's doing okay.


17 dtg Dubai
18 dtg Home
Was a great trip, made it solo and had to move a bunch of Harley's that were blocking the spot (they parked there) so that I and a bunch of others could get our 5 seconds of fame. Next day is when I rode back to Pcola non-stop (855 miles).

Had some time to fool around with the signature spot so I thought this photo would look good there. Those were the days when I was bald...just about, since Christmas I've been letting what little will grow....grow.


17 dtg Dubai
18 dtg Home