Can't find GPS coupling for GiPro


.060 Over
Sep 18, 2008
Anyboy got a pic of the GPS connector for a 2009 or equivalent R3T?

In trying to follow the GiPro directions, I looked under the plastic plate on the "left" side of the engine. I am assuming that means the driver's left; the same side as the bear claw, oil tank, and coolant fill. So I look there, and NOTHING. So I remove the panniers, seat, and lift the gas tank. The only 3-prong connector I see is pictured below. It has solid black, blue, and yellow wires on one end, and solid pink, pink with white stripe, and pink with black stripe on the other. So, even though this is nowhere near the colors listed in the GiPro directions, I try it anyhow. I carefully disconnect the coupling, and, following instructions, put the bike in neutral, and turn the key to "on". The green neutral indicator lights up, and stays lit. Thus, I have concluded that I have the wrong connector.

Anyboy got a pic of the GPS connector for a 2009 or equivalent R3T?

This ought to be simple; I don't understand what I'm missing!!!



  • connector.jpg
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Your picture is way off the mark for the location of the plug, but it does look just like that.
The GPS sensor is the black flat plate with two small bolts holding it in at the rear of the motor on the left side. Find that and follow the wires to the plug will be an easy way to find it, it's kind of hidden behind a couple of other plugs in the same area. But it is behind the triangular plastic cover on the left side that has the round blank on it.
I think Dandiego posted a picture of his on one of the GiPro threads ... I'll look around for it.
That's what I used and no problems at all. Just watch how you connect the red wire. Earlier models had it go straight to the battery, recent ones to a switched power source. Just do whatever the instructions with the unit say about that. The rest is the same I think.
Well, Hellfire! Thanks for the link. I feel like Homer Simpson...I was looking in totally the wrong place. I should be able to handle it now. "Even a caveman could do it".

Thanks again,
The R3T has a dedicated GPS connection in the wiring loom under the tank. The connection forward of the side panel is for the auxiliary power connector. There are three of four different connectors under the tank. Two of them are the same type of connector, these are for the aux lights. One that is a unique type of connector will be for the GPS. You can identify them as they are wires with a dummy plug terminating the connection.

This is all from two year old memory, so I take no responsibility for accuracy.
Got it installed. Gear indicator works fine...had to go thru "learn", but that was easy.
I don't see or feel and discernable performance difference in mode 3 versus stock before the GiPro. Still have a CEL from when I disconnected the odometer/cluster. Maybe performance will be better once CEL is cleared. If not, I spent $162.99 just to see what gear I'm in: pretty much a rip off.

There has been so much good written about the GiPro, I'm trying to keep an open mind. :(

I've yet to experience one on a Touring model, maybe test out the other settings listed in the book. Still, hard to believe you don't feel the first gear power increase ... in a Standard and Classic it's the difference between strong acceleration and a wheel stand by accident. :eek:

If you still have the secondaries in the throttle bodies you might still be experiencing the throttle response delay while the ECM opens them.