For Sale Can not ship outside USA


Nov 16, 2010
Del City Ok
2023 Triumph R3 GT, 2022 Moto Guzzi V85TT,
I have a bunch of stuff from my bike that I am parting out. I just off the USPS "Quick" postal site. Spent close to an hour trying to figure. It either crashes ,or sends me back to the start. And it appears that I will have to repack into their box to get the lowest rate.
I have done a lot of Ebay sales, and shipped old BMW parts all over the world. I would fill in the info pay with my account , print the label, Give to the postman. No line no fuss.
It is not worth it to me to spend a 1/2 hour in the post office line.
Please do not take offence , it is the Washington DC BS. They wonder why more people go to FedEx & UPS
Amen on that one, Amigo!
I have done the USPS BS to send some things to my Mates just because they are so SPECIAL!!! :p
But for as many parts as you are taking off, I would not go through the hassle either.
Canadians prefer USPS, getting stuff shipped to Canada with Fed Ex or UPS is the biggest rip off ever.
I tried to order some parts for my BBQ grill the other day, the parts total cost is $56. With shipping to Ontario Canada by Fed Ex it comes to a total of $166.
Total bull****, I always request shipping with USPS or just go down to Buffalo, New York to pick up my stuff.
Hans if you were after them floor boards it would be about 50.00 USD shipping to OZ or at least on a average thats what it cost me to ship parts to Perth.
no I was going to buy the S/S Radiator cover shame really as I missed out when Hogweed was selling them
Canadians prefer USPS, getting stuff shipped to Canada with Fed Ex or UPS is the biggest rip off ever.
I tried to order some parts for my BBQ grill the other day, the parts total cost is $56. With shipping to Ontario Canada by Fed Ex it comes to a total of $166.
Total bull****, I always request shipping with USPS or just go down to Buffalo, New York to pick up my stuff.
I use to sell a lot of Airhead BMW parts in Canada. The guys would have them sent to a friend on the USA side and save a bunch in shipping . Not counting customs.
The fools do not realize they would make more by charging less. Politicians are considered qualified if the IQ is below 70.
It is a shame was looking forward to it, but thems the breaks :(

Tell him to ship it to me with the peg rail assemblies I am buying and I shall send them to you, HansO.
I just sent two set of shockies for $100 each to OZ. Weighed 12.5 pounds. Shouldn't cost more than that.
I have one of Hogweed's covers on mine and love it!
