Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

Small update here, not been getting much time to go near bike lately with work but when I did I'd been dealing with a fuelling issue.

Traced it back to low fuel pressure. The reg I had on the supercharged engine gone a bit wonky. It was a 1-3 rising rate reg that i thought (several years ago) would be a good idea to have lower pressure at idle and thus better fuel control with the big 840cc injectors, while still being able to spray copious amounts of petrol at the top end on boost.
The el cheapo no-name reg I had was the only one I could find at 1-3 rising rate.
Turned out the rising rate was about as reliable as a female lawnmower on acid anyway.

Anyway things have changed since, I'm running a lot more boost now, so got this dinky AEM reg now which has a 1-1 rising rate if needed.
Much smaller, strange how small it is yet rated for 1000bhp apparently.
Hopefully it will be steady and I can move on with my life & tuning.

So I finally got a weekend at the bike, but somehow managed to go backwards in terms of progress.
Got the AEM reg above fitted and set, all perfect, and moved to on to fix a weep of fuel from the OEM banjo under the tank. Of course no matter what I did the leak is still there, think it must be a hairline crack in the banjo. Replacement on order.
Also for some reason the clutch switch decided to die which had to be sorted too.
Frustrating as I only got a day or so at the bike this past few months.

In better news the rear shocks landed today from ol' Blighty. Roll on Christmas when I get back to it again..

Roll on Christmas when I get back to it again..

Finally Christmas is here

And straight to work I go.
Will I take it for break in spin, or fit its Christmas presents first?
Wilbers front, Hagon rear, quickshifter and sequential shift light.
Guess the weather will decide...

Finally Christmas is here

And straight to work I go.
Will I take it for break in spin, or fit its Christmas presents first?
Wilbers front, Hagon rear, quickshifter and sequential shift light.
Guess the weather will decide...

Great way to start pre new year. Early start to an exciting New Year.
Changed out the OEM fork spings for some Wilbers, and replaced the Triumph SAE 5W oil with Motul SAE 10W.

Wilbers (left) vs Triumph (right). Wilbers wire gauge is also 0.75mm thicker than OEM at 5.75mm.

And the beast is back on its own feet following suspension upgrade all round.
Weather is still crap but hopefully I'll get it out on the road soon.

Not the most scientific method of measuring the difference between OEM and Wilbers forksprings + 10W oil, but below is an indication, where I held front brakes and pushed down hard a couple times on the forks. Wilbers setup significantly firmer than stock.


Wilbers + SAE 10W
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