Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

Purely out of curiosity if you don't mind sharing; what's the ratio from crank to compressor speed?
Sorry Joesmoe, I missed your request. I meant the valve with the tweeter. The boost limiter valve ( large alloy item) is a good thing. Art will have trouble with the tweeter valve.

What's a tweeter valve when it's at home?

Each time I have seen one on a supercharger, (not just R3, or TTS) they never work for long without leaking or sticking open, or backfiring out the sealing O ring. There is no sensible reason for having one, that I can see, especially when you have a boost limiter valve right next to it. Every bike I've ever worked on with one, it ended up in the bin or locked shut to avoid problems. What do you need it for Art? The noise when it shoots off?
No sensible reason
I got a supercharger to go with my BOV, because PHUH-TISHHHH

I know what you mean, I had an el cheapo BOV a few years ago and it gave trouble when an o ring went but one works well so far. Only a little maintenance needed.
Apparently a BOV is to release the pressure in the manifold when the throttle is closed to avoid pressure on the butterflies and stop it being pushed back out through the impeller and upsetting it.
The BLV just caps the max boost for safety, apparently.
The boost limiter valve shown looks like one I have used, Scott got onto it and spread the word. I usually machine them down so they are not so massive. I must have removed over 20 of the turbo style tweeter , pshuush or whatever valves and have never once had an issue with the charger, even slamming the throttle shut from 11000 rpm on 260hp V Rods. I have had many problems with them as outlined above. If you are only using it ten seconds at a time, you may be able to keep up to the maintenance on it. Your call. Sort of trying to save you some of the grief I have had over the past.