Cams, need mo power

Just for my knowledge When was the last time you ran the throttle wide open for more than a mile. I like a nice looking bike I put my money into something I can see and enjoy every day not something I use very rare. I am not aginst performance but based on the current road system in the US I have very seldom seen the chance to get the bike to the point where I needed more and I ride at least 10,000 miles a year.

Scowherd, I’ve never held the throttle wide open for over a minute. What difference does that make? But it sounds as if you and I are on the same page when it comes to bling. When I blow past the posers, I don’t want them saying “Yea it’s fast but it’s ugly”. I want them totally and completely demoralized. Because at the end of the day, it ain’t how fast and pretty your bike is that matters. It’s how much faster and how much prettier it is than the bike you left choking on your exhaust.

I’ve got virtually every accessory offered for the Rocket Touring. But when I park next to an Uber Glide blinged-out Squeelin Eagle, my bike looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger cloaked in cheap costume jewelry. Triumph still has a way to go in the bling department.

Back to the “mo power” thread … it looks like we’re inching closer to someone actually testing aftermarket cams for the Touring. Great news … at least for us power junkies with money to piss away.
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Outrun 95% of everything on the road, this sounds like the twilight zone.

You got me to wondering, just what percentage of vehicles on the road nowadays can go 0 to 60 in ~2.5 seconds. Lotsa Rockets can....or faster.

I'm also wondering just how DOES Triumph "detune" the hp and increase torque????
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WOw talk about a argument that can't be won, I geuss at the end of the day its a matter of taste/pref

Hmm I wonder if anyone ever put hard bags and top box on a Busa
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I noticed the cylinder heads have different part numbers also. The valves are the same size and the cylinders are the same size. I wonder if it is just a difference in tunes?
My guess is its the tune and the exhaust. The ECU is different and the tunes doen't even have the same tables. Two mufflers instead of three has to make a difference as well. Even with aftermarket exhaust the R3T is pretty quiet. It will be interesting to see what kind of numbers the first set of Jardines makes on an R3T.
I noticed the cylinder heads have different part numbers also. The valves are the same size and the cylinders are the same size. I wonder if it is just a difference in tunes?
Maybe the ports are different?
Head did swap the ecu for a standard '05 Rocket and said it made a difference too.
On the performance thing, maybe I just want my Rocket to beat na na na na
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You guys crack me up!!!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread.
Thank You!!! Keep up the good work fellas. Prime time TV has nothing on this!!!

I'm also wondering just how DOES Triumph "detune" the hp and increase torque????

I'll tell you guys one more time... the torque characteristics of an engine are determined by it's cams and how they're installed (lobe separation angle). Exhaust and intake tracts should be matched to cams.