
.020 Over
Aug 31, 2010
California Tragedy

I'm still new here so I don't know all the rules about what can and cannot be posted. I went to this part of the forum because it involves news and perhaps the moderators would want to selectively not have it posted for some reason (although I wouldn't know why because it's all over the news tonight).

My part of this newspost is that I am just in the process of deciding to go back into riding. I've been out for a few years and recently decided to purchase an '08 Touring model (still pending). What's weird is, that I really hesitated even thinking about getting back into riding because I rode for over 30 years and never went down, or off the road, or got a ticket or anything even close (well gravel once on a curve gave me some grief but I didn't go down...other than that...nada). So, I'm tripping along, nervous about getting back on but excited at the same time....and then I'm hit with this. I'll probably go ahead and get the bike but it sure makes me think...I've been so lucky for so long....hope it holds out. This is just sickening mostly because these guys and gals apparently wern't doing anything...but riding.

Driver held after motorcycle crash kills 5, injures 6 - USATODAY.com
ixtlan22, this type of stuff can happen anytime, it doesn't matter if you're on a bicycle or walking with your family, there's always a chance there's a wacko on the loose.....and that is everywhere. If you have a passion to ride then I sure wouldn't let some jerk take it off of you. I have a very busy life and my riding is my GREAT ESCAPE, next in line is bow hunting, if I didn't have those I'd be laying on a couch somewhere telling someone else all my worries :confused: know what I mean??:D
I saw it on the news here on the East coast. Too much traffic out there, I am not quite sure if I would ride in California. Metro areas here are dicey at best.
When riders tool along like they're in their own private parade route they set themselves up for crazies to do stupid **** like that. All it takes is one impatient A-hole and a hundred yards of bikes to make a situation like this possible. I always thought it was a bad idea to have alot of bikes together with no space for cars to pass, it's a bad mix.
Responding to the comments above...

Ozzman, that's funny you mentioned California metro areas being crowded...I drove long-haul truck out here (I'm in Washington State) and none of us West coasties ever wanted to go back east...too many cars around Boston, New York, I-95 south through D.C. and not enough room anywhere to turn an 80,000 lb truck around. I guess it's all a matter of prospective. Just as an observation, I think these guys we're pretty much out in the sticks if I remember the area. Parade riding anywhere really creates problems for the cagers....I know some drivers freeze up when a bunch of loud motorcycles come through...others get real pissed and hit the road rage button. I think what you're saying is true though...for any metro area.

Seeya, I absolutely agree with you about being a couch potato. that's why I'm going ahead and getting a bike....(and BTW I said I've been riding 30 years...I forgot that I'm 64 and I've been riding since I was 15, so I guess I had better just say I've been on and off bikes for about the last 50 years! Back when I first started riding...all we had were steam powered bikes with a stick for a brake).

Hellfire, I think your right too, this article is a good example of "parade riding"...I've done it and it's lot of fun....multiple bikes make a lot of sound and make for feelings of power and belonging....but...doesn't let anyone in from behind...and of course it really limit's the escape routes. Out here with our Valk group...when we had a group ride....we limited ourselves to clusters of three.

If I quit doing things that had killed friends and family I wouldn’t swim, ride a bicycle, boat, go to the dunes, fish, drive a car or do yard work. The list of activities that hurt friends and family is even longer. Bad things can happen anytime/anywhere. If you enjoy something enough do it – just make sure you do it smart and don’t needless place yourself in harm’s way.
Welcome aboard Ixtlan, I used to live in so cal and was always worried about car drivers, i have been riding since i was 16, im 43 now and with Gods help and been very careful(or paranoid) i have never droped a bike yet.
My opinion is that you just can not stop enjoying what you like because of others.
in other words, not because of the coyotes we are going to quit raising chickens:D:)