Cables and bars

T2043586 Clutch cable
T2043585 Throttle return cable
T2043584 Throttle Pull cable
Those are indeed the R3T cables. Very grateful for the feedback.

Can you remember HOW MUCH LONGER they were?

And for those of us in Europe - About 10€ each from Mike Larsson.
Or Naturally OEM which at a guess are a bit better but still cheaper than Barnett factoring in post and duty.
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I do not know exactly. 10cm seems a little long though The dealer told me there were at least 3 different part numbers for each cable so maybe there are longer ones than what I used. I know the clutch cable routing looks stock and that only needed to be maybe 2", 5cm longer. Personally I think 4" or 10cm, if my conversion is right, would be a little more than needed for any of them.
Again: thanks for the info. Yup - I found 3 lengths too - R3-Standard/Roadster, R3-Classic, R3Touring.

I've just ordered a set of the "Larsson" R3Touring cables via a mates shop ( 30% discount ). Time will tell. Larsson mention that they tend to err on the long side generally.
Venhill also replied - They do not have R3 cables spec'd out. But I will soon have the Larsson cables I can send as patterns.

Now need to find bars that suit me - or make them myself - again.
Yep, now that I read that, that's exactly what they told me. Said they ordered the touring lengths with I believe match up with the cable numbers that I posted.
Good luck!!
Cut and splice with solder and shrink wrap a Honda has about twelve wires on clutch side 18 gauge if i remember correct
I've just ordered a set of the "Larsson" R3Touring cables via a mates shop ( 30% discount ). Time will tell.
So the Larsson cables were a bust - So far all I've compared is the Clutch and it's no longer. But as I was eventually provided with them for nothing - All it has cost is time.
I will swap them into the R3 (tomorrow I hope) and send the original ones to Venhill for basis of a custom set. It's more delay - but I'm still getting daily treatment for the shoulder injury anyway.

Found a set of bars from "Khrome Werks" - Wide Sweeper 2+2. It is SPOT ON position-wise. Made for Harley naturally and will need some LIGHT modding, but so far so good. Also have bits on their way to allow me to make a fully adjustable set - should the need arise later on.