Cables and bars


Mad Scientist
Aug 1, 2010
On the verge of insanity
1979 Guzzi V1000G5 - 2018 KTM 790 Duke
Does anybody KNOW:-

1) The rise/pullback spec's of an R3T handlebar ?
2) If the R3T throttle/clutch cables are longer ?
3) If the R3T throttle/clutch cables will fit the R3 Standard controls ?

I have damaged my right shoulder and need to adjust riding position. I cannot manage much more than 10mins riding without pain (and following loss of mobility) right now. Daily physio is helping - but slowly.

My current bars are not stock (11" rise) and there is no play left. I might get the clutch to reroute enough to get some leeway - but not the throttles. Brake hoses are easy.

I've found a set of 1" risers that may be enough - but we'll see.

If I cant use Triumph parts - I need to know if anybody has had cables made up - where they'll have the details on file.
Nowhere here has any idea.
I had cables made up by Barnett when I put on the Rivco risers. I'm 99% sure both the Roadster and Touring use normal cables, with standard fittings, but they're not the same length. But you can order a set of cables from Barnett specifying the exact length you need, so that's easy. The quality of the cables is also great.

I wouldn't recommend doing what they say to do (to order stock + 2 inches, or some such) since their numbers for stock length was considerably off from what was actually on my Touring. Just give them specific lengths you want.

Genuine Barnett Cables

Shipping etc adds cost, of course, but it's not insane money.

No idea what to do about the electrical wiring if you have to extend those.
I have Classic bars with 1" risers, maybe best mod I did.
Hey guys. Glad I did a search before starting a new thread. I put Rivco risers on my roadster and did not like the way the cables were rerouted behind the trees. So long story short, was gonna go the custom cable route too but found out that there are stock triumph cables that will work and route the original way. I'm not sure how much the custom cables cost but I'm pretty sure these were less expensive if that a concern. I never saw that info anywhere so figured it may come in helpful to others.
(Sorry didn't see that this was for a touring model so it's probably irrelevant to the OP)
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Can I ask which cables? - It's to modify a NON-Touring. It's not much much the cost as the hassle getting stuff into Spain.
The brake hoses I will reroute to their original location more or less. But like you I do not want the cables behind the yokes.

Made a set of dummy bars yesterday (out of plastic pipe) - Looking at about a 14" rise all told.
There's a company in the UK called VENHILL CABLES who make custom cables if that's any help.
Here are the Triumph part numbers of the cables that I used. Originally routed the throttle cables wrong and they were rubbing and there was way too much 'loop' off the grip. But easy fix and everything is routed the stock way with the risers. Just my preference to keep them that way although I've read folks are perfectly happy with the rerouted cables.
T2043586 Clutch cable
T2043585 Throttle return cable
T2043584 Throttle Pull cable