Button on the RH Switch Assy


Living Legend
Dec 4, 2012
Houston, TX
'13 Rocket III Roadster
Question for you touring guys...there is a switch on the right hand side of your bars that the roadster doesn't have...I think it has a little "i" on it as in "information"...what does it do? And where can I get one? The same spot on a roadster has a blank plug in it. I am putting some new electrical wingdings on my girl and I would like to have a switch that looks like it belongs there. I stopped in the dealer today but they are out of touring models so I couldn't look at one first hand.
it toggles though the mileages and trip info dont know if it cant be done on none touring the info is on the digital dash of the sped o
Apparently there is a switch used on European Sprints from about 5 years ago that fit right in. Sometimes see them on ebay. I remember reading about them on here a while ago or maybe on the dotcom site.

Found it. It was on the dotcom site and the how to is on page 5 of the thread.
Watcher's reply is correct. It toggles between the two trip settings, the clock, and the fuel/miles remaining displays.
I hoped I was I use it every time I ride lol as I have a touring but you never know I may have had the wrong switch