Burnt on Plastic/Fabric on Exhaust Can

I got rid of the TORS not long ago for a Viking exhaust... anything that touches it melts pretty quick. The good news is I just keep on riding and it burns it off eventually... lol

My CES do this as well - even on the ceramic!
So heat must be the ticket.
I have used laquer thinner on cold pipes. Put it on cloth rag, lay over the pipe, give it a few minutes to soften plastic, then with a little effort wipe it off with a clean soft rag.
Just be careful you don’t wear down the chrome trying all these products. I would start with the 0000 steel wool first. I use it on all my restorations and it works really well.

I finally managed to remove all of the residue left from the melted plastic after failing with everything else (except steel wool that I was too afraid to try in case I damaged the chrome & the oven cleaner I purchased that said on the can do not use on chrome)
I purchased a can of Blue Job (as rocketjohn suggested) from a UK e bay seller. it's made in the USA but amazingly I got it from a UK seller, very unusual to be able to get the really good stuff here in England without importing it from the USA.
It took a lot of working in but it cleaned all the remaining residue off perfectly without damaging chrome. (I had already got off the main melted blobs of plastic when it was hot)
I highly recommend it if anybody has the same problem. It's expensive as you don't get much in the tin, but impressive. Check it out on you tube.
Thanks to everyone who replied to my thread.