Burnt a(nother) hole in my right pant leg - ideas ?

I left my rain gear in Florida, so I bought another set at the local bike shop, Joe Rockett, absolute junk, crap. My other set is Alpine or Aerostitch, I forget which, in 5 minutes I had a hole burnt through the "heat shield" on the right leg, in 10 minutes 3 holes. I've never burnt jeans, my other rainsuit is 7 or 8 years old, no holes. Wouldn't you think if you were putting a heat shield on pants, you would use something that was at least a little heat resistant? Apparently less heat resistant than cotton, think about it.

Now that is slick, I need to look into something like that!

My humble solution was to use aluminum tape used on air ducts/vents over a piece of chipboard (from an empty six pack naturally) and then secured by duct tape or, for you military types out there, "100mph tape." You can actually open and reclose it numerous times using the same tape. Totally crude by works well.
Acetone or lacquer thinner will generally dissolve plastic, but when burnt on it's a different story. Depending on the finish (chrome or stainless) I have used a razor blade along with oil on the surface to serve as a lubricant. Even then, scratches are possible.

Not at all a wise thing to do while riding in traffic. My Rocket would shut down anyway . . . Besides, I would pull over, safely park and cool off.
If something happened while you were parked, kick down, in traffic you would be likely be found liable for parking in the roadway.
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