Hello everyone. Joined the site a couple years ago and haven't spent much time here but looking to expand my horizons a bit. I've got an 07 Classic Tourer that I'm on pretty much every day of the year.
Welcome BSN,
Now you need to come on over to Maggie Valley with us for some fun.
Don't be a stranger, we've got lots of Texas captains here.
(and they ain't all bad guys)
Welcome Captain BSN. An 07 tourer is right up my alley. I swapped out the cat bot for an upgrade and all is immeasurably better. I've not done anything else except a TuneBoy for performane. I've use several tunes over the two years and find 20143 to work best.
Welcome to the site. Do make it to RAAIV in Maggie Valley, in less than a month from now.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Unfortunately I can't make Maggie Valley, but Native 1 is putting together a Texas Salvo for next summer and I'll be there for sure.