Bringing the front tire up.

T Evans

Jun 23, 2009
North Central Oklahoma
Ok, How many Captains out there are able to carry your front tire all the way thru 1st gear? I guess what I mean is, do all the Rocket III's have the ability to just let out on the clutch and at a 15 or 20 mph, just roll into the throttle and bring the front tire up and carry it thru 1st gear? And I'm 6' 4" and 320 lbs. or so. Just think if I was a little guy at 200 lbs. The dam thing would probably come over on me.

I gotta tell ya, the more I play with this bike the more I like it. The bike came with Jar's and the only thing I have done to it is removed the secondaries, installed the GIPro ATRE, and now have just installed the P/C 3. I also went over to the darkside of course. I will probably take her to a dyno come spring just to see what she is really putting out.

You know I loved my 385 hp Boss Hoss with the 100 hp shot of juice and it was pretty cool to be rolling along at 60 mph and crank it and leave a 200 ft. black strip down the hiway. But it was too heavy to get the front tire in the air. This wheelie thing is pretty cool. Maybe one day I will be able to bring it up and carry it like the guy on the Roadster video. Now how cool would that be to see this big ol bagger do that. I will probably have to replace the fork seals a couple of times before that happens.

Big T
viva viagra sorry couldent resist you guys are going to drive me crazy with all this talk of the hp these bikes have and i can't even and havent ridin mine yet lol !!
I don't know, never tried (don't ride that way). I did accidentally pull my Tiger's front wheel off the ground one day.
I got on mine right after I got it and was used to riding my America so When I shifted into 2nd gear the front came up. Not real high or anything cause it half scared me. I wasn't trying for that to happen I was just riding it like my America and by the time I hit 4th I was doing around 100. I don't ride like that and that little incident taught me to respect it. I wanna be around to see you ride yours like the Roadster guy.
We don't do that stuff anymore. I missed 5 years ago on my dirt bike. 17 screws, four plates and 225 K was enough for me, thanks though.

Man, we are all either old or conservative! I'm 53 and just started riding two years ago. Probably not bringing the front tire up any time soon!
Believe me Robert, you're not getting old. I'm 62 and been riding since I was 14. I've lifted the front wheel of all manner of bikes, but with the R3T all I seem to do is break the rear tire loose. Probably has something to do with that 180 rear tire.

Of course I haven't tried yanking the throttle wide open at 10-15 mph though. On most bikes I've had in recent years that would certainly bring the front wheel skyward. I wouldn't be too concerned about the 750 lb beast coming up, but coming down is another story....
viva viagra sorry couldent resist you guys are going to drive me crazy with all this talk of the hp these bikes have and i can't even and havent ridin mine yet lol !!

In Wisconsin? Jerry, you have a long hard winter coming up! I'd be happy to take it off your hands until spring!