BREAKING NEWS:Harley Davidson closing a plant due to declining sales.

My take on the new softail models is Yuk. The new Fatboy looks like a Honda. Apparently looking at new Harley sells I am not alone with this opinion. Yes they improved the suspension (about time) and made other upgrades but there not selling. The new Milwaukee eight engine is not all that compared to what other brands have to offer. There is a reason why Harley only shows torque not horse power in there ads. Truimph nailed it with the introduction of the New Bonneville's so have other company's such as the Indian scout. More bang for the buck. Nice looking and well running bikes that are in the budget of most young riders.

Quite a bit of cutting Sonny's reply, but it is the truth.

The HD crowd screwed themselves by not accepting Buell. Then screwed themselves again by not accepting the V-Rod. Both could have brought in younger generations, those with money, earning brand loyalty.
But they, HD, buckled to their current owners by killing off what was considered as second class bikes.
The Bonneville's are out there with millennials however. Smart Triumph
The list of reasons is funny, but inaccurate. Many people my age (mid to late 20’s) are interested or riding motorcycles. Typically they lean towards sport bikes or older classic bikes, super cross and dual sport bikes have become popular as well . In my opinion this is typically an affordability decision followed by an ease of use decision.

The $25k cruiser is a status symbol. With that kind of money, the younger generation would rather a sporty (sit,Miata, used Bette’s and mustangs) car over a motorcycle.

We are going full circle towards the smaller maneuverable bikes of the 70’s.

I will also note that many people my age seem to be buying the Sportsters, not really caring or even entertaining the thought it’s a “girls” bike.
Here we go with yet another thread of who rides what, why, and how much. To which I give not a sh!t -I'd rather ride my farkin bicycle than my motor any day (To which no one cares, or just thinks that's stupid - to which I give not another round of sh!t) for all I care everyone can ride a:
To which I'm now in my 3rd round of giving even less than a sh!t


THIS IS A FRIGGIN JOKE - IF YOU DON'T LIKE........ WELL.....................

Love Ya'll

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If them millenials are riding anything on two wheels with a motor...they are riding...that's what we need them to do. It won't matter what they buy, because it will keep more than one manufacturer going, and they will also produce things we will ride.

You want to ride a cock?