@RKTNMYPKT said it perfectly at RAA Montrose, "I promise never to judge a member of this forum from what he posts here" after getting to know everybody face to face, i'm sure Art is not the exeption to this rule
yup, never did understand the ragging on HD, if you don't want one don't buy one, there are a few bikes out there that dont interest me but that don't mean i wouldn't ride the wheels off of them
Probably because there is not another marque quite as polarising about opinion as HD. I lived in the UK with the advent of the Evo HD's and know guys with HD's here in NZ. I've watched the growth of HD ownership, and sadly, the growth of the 'weekend 1%r 'attitude'. I guess like many others? I 'give 'em stick' just because of that fact. Also being English we had a saying about the GI's in WW2 which is kinda 'bastardised' but suits. Overpriced, and over here
I fully and openly rag on them. Can do that. 2010 Fatboy bought brand new and by 2015 had 86,000 miles on her. Funny thing happened in 2015. Bought a real bike not a mid-life crises. Comparing the Rocket X to the Fatboy is like Ice milk to High quality Ice Cream. One will cool you off the other will do the same but with flavor. Spent a lot of time fixing the Harley. Items would go south and I would do the the homework and replace with upgrades. (AMERICAN MADE PARTS) Funny thing is spent some time and money doing upgrades to the Rocket X because I wanted to not because I had to. Guys on Harley's are not all bad but the general attitude is yes they really think they are better than anyone else because it is a Harley. Logo and advertisements have made it so. Reality is a different story. I have owned two triumphs. Can't say the same for Harley's. This is just my opinion and you know what they say about that. Either way still have a #ucking Harley on the front pourch but would really like to get rid of it so I could buy one of those supercharger thing of a jigs for the Rocket. life goes on.
The main thing against the rocket is the possibly weak or bad design gearboxes and wiring problems. Having said that I have one. I live in hope I won't end up with a £2000+ repair bill due to bad design.
well I am on my second transmission problems both had the 4th and 5th getting on and off the gears a 2013 and a 2012 motors had to send the last trans to shop in NY for back cutting clip and grooves and a stronger 4th gear and I am in for the same amount of money you mentionned each time