BREAKING NEWS:Harley Davidson closing a plant due to declining sales.

I suspect that the harder he works, the luckier he gets. and he is blessed with a wonderful family.

As a 'boomer' I think many HD owners 'attitude' has also had a lot to do with it. I do know a few guys who ARE HD riders!!, they ride year round, all weathers. Then there's the majority 'weekend 1%rs' who just trot out the 'advertising diatribe' about HD being the best, yada yada, and cop the 'tude if you actually enter a technical merit discussion with them. If I was interested in owning one, this itself is enough to make me look elsewhere. It actually did, I was contemplating an XR1200X and end up buying the Yamaha MT-01 instead. I've owned old twin Trumpie's, Guzzi's, BMW, various Jap cruisers, and was fortunate enough to ride most current from the Evo's/shovel HD's apart from the V-rod, 88 and twin cam's. They simply are overpriced and underwhelming. They have lived off the 'outlaw image' for decades, and that itself really means 'jack' to millennials, hell it doesn't inspire me, and I'm from the easy rider generation.
You lot have just spent 18 pages talking about Harleys. ...most threads here on Triumphs don't share that longevity. Harley are still doing something right
yup, never did understand the ragging on HD, if you don't want one don't buy one, there are a few bikes out there that dont interest me but that don't mean i wouldn't ride the wheels off of them
Ya think? I couldn't help but notice when you were with him getting your bike....everyone asked YOU to say hi, rather than contacting him themselves....

I called and talked to him, he's as opposite from how he comes across on the forum as you could possibly imagine.