BREAKING NEWS:Harley Davidson closing a plant due to declining sales.

Personally I think the FatBob is the best looking bike Harley has in their lineup this year. But I liked the dual headlights much more than the new rectangle lamp they have now.
Personally I think the FatBob is the best looking bike Harley has in their lineup this year. But I liked the dual headlights much more than the new rectangle lamp they have now.
They borrowed it from the robot on in the movie "the day the earth stood still
I like Harleys well enough to own one, just not as an only bike. They look good, fit and finish is definitely superior to Triumph, and modern ones are pretty reliable. They just aren't built for performance. I'd like to own a Road King before I die.
Not out of line at all thanks for the nice words.

No bites likely tis butt ass fugly!
AGREED...isn't there a horror movie about that...say the evil spirit's name three times and they get conjured to wreak havoc upon the world?
Nah your getting it mixed up with Muslim divorce where the bloke can say "I divorce thee" three times in succession and its done. All you Muslim bashers have to recant - that is real 'Power of Havoc'