Brand new Rocket 3 transmission issue

new bike
or if they have to split the cases and repair trans***big discount
I,m with the rest of the guys.Ask for a new bike. I'm no legal expert, but my understanding of the consumer rights law is ,that if you paid in full for the bike you can ask for a replacement or a full refund.If the bike is on finance ,contact your finance company and let them deal with it. I would not be happy with a repair if they had to remove the engine and split the cases, also it could affect your trade in value later .
Sooooo...just to update, the dealer got me a replacement bike with absolutely no qualms whatsoever. Two technicians rode the bike, agreed it was faulty and that was it...done.

Anyway got the new bike and just a minor question - does the fuel gauge 'adjust' itself for a number of miles? As I was riding along, the miles of fuel remaining were dropping quite rapidly. So I filled up, gauge showed 170 miles remaining after about 2 mins which I guessed to be about right and after about 10 miles of town riding showed 130 miles remaining. Difficult to tell if the physical fuel level has dropped but the gauge still shows full. Never had this on any car nor on previous bikes.
Congrats on getting a new bike, sounds like you were well taken care of!

Fuel gauge distance to empty adjusting thing is totally normal. If you're riding hard and fill up, it might only show 130 mile range after filling up. If you're cruising at 70 before fill up, it might show 220 mile range. The distance to empty seems to solely be based on the average fuel economy of your past 5 minutes of riding, and will often change even during a ride. At least that's been my experience on my '14 Roadster.
Well done Mr B on getting a replacement bike. Hope you get the full Roadster experience now.
When you've filled up I believe it takes about 5 miles of riding for your gauge to adjust. Usually when I fill up mine shows about 192 miles and as they count down I've found it pretty accurate ie if I've done 100 miles the gauge shows about 90 left.
Yep, the fuel gauge has a mind of its own. If they replace the bike cause of the guage you will end up owning all of them. I "try" not to look at the low fuel light - bit hard at night, the odometer is the one to watch.
Congratulations on the new bike AND on having a dealer that takes care of thir customers. Where is this at BTW? I find my dealer at Motorcycles of Dulles (MOD) to be one of the best I have done business with over 35 years of bikes. It is good to hear there is at least one other out there.
Good to hear you got a replacement, enjoy the new bike.
you should have looked for a full refund instead, and bought a real bike #harleydavidson