These are cheap and work great. Don't see why they would not work on a "dry" system. Screw the thing in, open 1/2 turn, fill the reservoir, get three feet of clear tubing that fits the nipple tight, I suck the air out. Keep and eye on the reservoir to make sure it has fluid. When I do this, it's also time to clean the calipers toooo, pads off, pistons as far out as you can get them, calipers off, clean, clean, clean with DOT4 only. Clean the rotors with brake cleaner. Seat the pistons all the way in. New pads, calipers on, new DOT bottle, pour and suck the air out. Righty tighty your nipples, then pump the pads out. Before you open a bear go and test your brakes. Enjoy safety. Aaahhhh, andti-rattle grease on the back of the padz and anti seize on the pad retained boltz.
Don't know anything about ABS. I'm an old fart with old bikes. Treat you brakes like you treat your guns if you want to live when it's time to use them. If the R3 throws an ABS code but brakes well, erase it. i'm sure the experts will respond to that with the correct thing to do.